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How to write a great wedding speech

How to Write A Great Wedding Speech - For the Best Man, Maid of Honor, Bride and Groom.

The hardest part of writing a speech is knowing where to start. Writing a speech can be even more daunting if it’s for a wedding in honor of a couple that you love. So, no matter if you’re the best man, or the groom - if you’re drawing a blank or having a hard time narrowing down the stories you want to tell, just follow our simple speech outlines below.

Outline for the Best Man / Maid of Honor

Start by Introducing Yourself.

Tell everyone your name and a brief explanation of how and when you met the bride or groom, or how you’re related to the bride or groom. Everyone may or may not know who you are, so a little context will go a long way.

Tell a Relevant Story.

Chances are you’ve already created a list of great stories to tell. Go back to that list and choose a story that reflects the qualities you love most about the bride or groom. This should be something that’s relatable, endearing, and appropriate. Make sure you have a point to the story so that you can seamlessly tie it into your speech at the end.

Reminisce About the Day you met their Partner.

Everyone in that room will likely have seen different pieces of the couple’s love story, so tell their story from your perspective. Talk about the day you met their significant other for the first time and the moment you realized this was the person they were going to marry.

Talk about Your Hopes for their Future as a Couple.

If you’re married, this is where you insert your best piece(s) of advice for a healthy marriage. If you’re not married, wish them a long, happy, and healthy life together. Make your wishes and/or your advice personal to their relationship and end on a positive, optimistic, and heartfelt vision of their future.

End with a Toast.

Ending a speech can be just as challenging as starting it, which is why we recommend ending with a toast. Ask everyone to raise their glass and toast to the wonderful couple — and, in your mind, to the killer speech you just gave!

Outline for the Bride / Groom

Thank Everyone.

First, and foremost, thank your parents and the bride and/or groom’s parents. Then give a special shout out to the wedding party, everyone who helped put the wedding together, and your guests for celebrating with you. This is your chance to be vulnerable and tell everyone you love what they mean to you.

Focus on your Spouse.

After you’ve thanked everyone, make the rest of your speech about your wife or your husband. Tell them how much you adore them and how much this day has meant to you. Add personal details and get as specific as possible when telling them what you love about them.

Relive a Few of the Best Parts of your Relationship.

Tell everyone about the night you met, how you fell in love, your engagement story, or any other important story that got you to this moment in time.

Toast to your Loved Ones and to your future.

By this point, there will probably not be a dry eye in the house, but you still want to end with a heartfelt toast to the loved ones that surround you and to your spouse. Raise a glass to the love and support of everyone in the room, and toast to the dreams and wishes you have for your marriage.

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